Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas is almost here!

I can hardly believe that Christmas is almost here! It seems like it was just barely Thanksgiving and now Christmas is just two days away and I'm no where near ready! Where did the time go? I have never been so unorganized at Christmas before. I have been thinking a lot about how we rush around and spend money and worry about all kinds of things and I wish we could just get back to where it was much more simple. I listened to all the children at the school where I work talk about all of the expensive things they want for Christmas, and remember the days when I could hardly wait to see the doll I had been wishing for, and asking Santa to bring. How do you talk to, hug, cuddle or, sleep with a Nintendo DS? Do little boys even play with trucks anymore? We live in an electronic world. Kids are getting cell phones and lap tops at younger and younger ages. Gone are the days when they want baby dolls and such. It's kind of sad how fast they grow up these days.

I long for the days when my kids opened their Christmas Jammies and we would hear bells Jingling and a big "Ho, Ho, Ho" and we knew that Santa had arrived. Every Christmas Eve when our kids were little he came to our house and visited with all of the little kids that were at our house on Christmas Eve. He would leave them each a Storybook wrapped up with their name on it. After each of them had a chance to sit on his knee and plead their case that they really had been good, he would head off to deliver toys to all the good boys and girls in the world, and we would all read Stories before they went to bed to wait for Santa's return. I miss those days. Life changes. Kids grow up. One got married, the other went back to Heaven to spend her Christmas' there and we miss her with all of our hearts. We spend our Christmas much different now. I hope you take the time to put away the electronic toys and sit down and read a Christmas story, or maybe "The Christmas Story" with your little ones, because in a twinkling they grow up. They may never remember the hours spent playing video games, but they will remember the time you spend with them, so do it!

Thanks so much for making our year so great here at Beads, Bangles, and Bands. It has been fun watching this business grow and enjoying time with my daughter (Cherie). She's the best and I love her with all of my heart. I pray that you will have peace and joy this Holiday Season and that you will remember the best present you can give is the memories you make while spending time with the ones you love. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New year! Come back and visit us after Christmas and check out our after Christmas sale! You won't want to miss it, but for now go be with your family!

Love and Best wishes for a Happy Holiday,


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